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Edith Bloecher
La Broderie - Needlework - Handarbeiten
Filet and Netting Lace

Here on the right the basic equipment to filet net - the netting set of Prym with different bones and 3 different netting needles.
Prym netting set Art. 611750
Price: 10,80 euros

Actually , one can use every yarn - particularly crochet yarn and Pearl Cotton 8, because it tiwsts less than some crochet yarn.
The star at the top is done from Pearl Cotton 12. With the little doily I do not know it, it is a vintage work. The ball is from crochet yarn.
Les prix incluent TVA sans livraison,
Prices inklusiv VAT, without delivery,
Preise incl MwSt, zuzügl. Versand.
The ball and the star are worked by one of my customers.
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