Edith Bloecher
La Broderie - Needlework - Handarbeiten

Pattern book
BLACKWORK Pattern Collection
from Edith Bloecher
Basic embroidery technique tutorial + over 60 pages of filling stitches / embroidery patterns / embroidery stitches + a few uses.
As seen on the book title I show small patterned filling stitches as well as complex embroidery patterns and some patterns also dissolve,
A pattern book for your own ideas.
Book 8.5 x 8.5 (21x21 cm), 96 pages, content black/white
price: 10,39 Euro in Germany
Available via Amazon or through me

Like cross stitch, black embroidery is an counted embroidery technique. One embroiders almost only line stitches (Holbein stitch, backstitch or simple straight stitches). Occasionally small cross stitches are embroidered in small squares..
It's easy to get creative with this technique. You draw a shape on fabric and fill it in with filling stitches. The shape can be a simple geometric shape or a figure, animal, flower. On the internet, especially under the term blackwork embroidery and image search, you will see a wealth of blackwork embroideries, some artistic feats, some good doable ideas.
My book on the subject provides a lot of filling patterns that you can use for your idea. Sometimes you need a dark dense pattern, sometimes something striking or sometimes a generous pattern. Before you start searching for it on the internet, take my book and choose the right pattern. Often I also show how to embroider the resolution of a pattern - like here on the cover.
For black embroidery you need:
Countable fabrics:
- Aida fabric is easier to count,
- loosely woven fabric or tablecloth linen looks classy,
- cotton fabric ist einfach gut
Embroidery thread:
Pearl cotton 12 is beautiful on 32ct fabric / Aida with 14ct
Special cotton 25 s beautiful on 28ct fabric,
Pearl cotton 8 is beautiful on 20ct fabric / Aida with 11ct,
Special cotton 20 is beautiful on 20ct fabric.
- no point needle